Monthly Archives: October 2021



Maybe they were always there, all around me, and I just didn’t notice them. Or, maybe it’s something else entirely.

I’ve recently finished a manuscript that I’ve been working on for the past two years. It’s made me a regular at the coffee shop in town and kept me up at night, pondering plot lines. It’s been a fun one to write and I’m excited for the editing process, set to happen over the next several months.

The elevator pitch?

A young boy gets caught up in the 1920s Chicago crime ring, but finds its no match for the Kansas skies during the Dust Bowl.

So where do the pineapples come in?

They wrap up the third section of the three-part divided book in a symbolic way. Not long after I placed this into the storyline, I started seeing them. EVERYWHERE.

While on the treadmill, the sign outside of the gym was advertising pineapples for sale. While shopping at a couple of stores, they were hanging up, standing on tables and adorning mirrors. Even while walking my dog, when she stopped to sniff out something in the bushes (no, it wasn’t a pineapple), I glanced up to find pineapple patterns on the patio furniture in the yard.

Yes, it’s possible they are everywhere because summer things are on clearance. But, I believe the universe (aka GOD to me), places symbols of encouragement on our paths to keep us going. To reassure us we’re on the right road. It’s the pulse of the world…the heartbeat drum according to some Native American beliefs.

So look for your signs.

What is the world trying to tell you? What path are you embarking upon that you’re unsure of and want to seek guidance on?

Open yourself up to the possibility that the answers are out there if you’re open-minded and wide-eyed. Because if you can believe it, you can achieve it.


“Take a break and give your soul what it needs…”


Sometimes I forget the beauty in simplifying things.

What made me realize this? When I was exhausted after a full day of moving furniture from a storage unit. I was hungry and wanted mashed potatoes with the roast I’d made, but had zero motivation to make them. And then I realized a beautiful thing that I had overlooked.


That’s right. I usually make homemade mashed potatoes. BUT, sometimes, good ol’ Hungry Jack boxed potatoes taste just as good (with a lot of butter, of course).

I do this all the time.I tend to overanalyze, overcomplicate, and overcompensate. I’m blessed with time periods when I am able to walk my dog and catch myself checking emails and texts on my phone. Way. too. often…

I need to learn to let go. There is beauty in the simple. There is a time period in the waiting in which you can exhale.

I’ve just submitted a new manuscript for editing. It’s been a couple of years that I’ve been researching and writing this and I’m soooo excited for it’s release. Even without the shortage of paper and workers during the many stations in book publication and distribution, I know it won’t be a fast process.


I find myself fidgeting and feeling the heavy need in the back of my mind to be doing something productive.


I need to find patience in the waiting. And breathe.